
技术战略的出发点是一种心态. 这是一种意识,It不仅仅是日常开销, 意识到IT不仅仅是保持业务运作的组成部分, 但它可以用来推动业务向前发展.

While technology strategy includes the utilization of best practices to create and scale high functioning IT systems, 没有可以用来创建IT策略的模版. 战略为你指明了一条从今天开始的道路, 去你明天想去的地方,这对每个组织来说都是独一无二的.

如果你没有一个技术战略,这将是显而易见的. 当你没有策略时,你会觉得自己在原地打转. Your IT team might be great at fixing but they’re not great at identifying the new technologies that you need to adopt to better manage cyber threats or gain a competitive edge. 事实上, you might even be hesitant to try anything new because previous attempts to adopt new technology ended up with lackluster results, 甚至是灾难.

The reason why so many small businesses haven’t mastered technology strategy is because they don’t have an experienced guide to show them the way.


IT strategy is led by clear goals and priorities and that’s why IT needs a place at the strategy table. That chair should be occupied by a Chief Information Officer (CIO) or vCIO (v is for virtual) who acts as a consultant. vCIO对技术和业务都很了解. 这个人就是战略指导.

Your vCIO is familiar with your IT architecture and is involved in strategic planning conversations. They work with you to create a high level IT plan that maps out what you need to do to establish a firm technology foundation and support business goals. Then they create a technology strategy document to plan out how you can use technology to meet specific objectives.

相关: IT没有为你的业务服务? 管理It服务的时代到了


Whenever you can move out of the tactical headspace for a moment and think strategically, 你有机会做出有持久影响的改变. Let’s consider a few of the benefits of technology strategy to see what that impact looks like.

1. 关于技术投资的自信决策

技术发展迅速,企业有很多选择. It’s easy to get your hands on the latest tech tools but many business leaders have had bad experiences when adopting new technology – experiences that could have been avoided if they had been more strategic with their investments.

When you practice technology strategy, your vCIO works alongside you to vet modern technologies. They ask the questions that you don’t know to ask so that you can get the outcome that you expect and avoid pitfalls that could create negative ripple effect throughout your organization.

有策略可以让你在脑海中保持更大的图景, 所以前进一步不会让你后退两步. 当你不担心失败时, 你可以对如何投资技术做出自信的决定.

2. 高功能资讯科技系统

Technology strategy allows you to proactively manage your IT systems so that they’re predictable. 如果你没有高功能的IT系统, the first thing your vCIO is going to do is to map out the 改进s you need to achieve that.

你的改进计划可能会有一些硬件和软件的更新, 以及如何使用云服务的建议, but you’ll also need to change some common behaviors like waiting too long to refresh equipment.

IT best practices for updating and patching software are vital to the security and function of your IT systems. This part of IT strategy involves the consistent application of best practices and creates the foundation on which you can scale and leverage IT for growth, 改进, 和创新.

3. 有效管理网络风险

澳门赌场网址大全 is essential to business success and should be an ongoing topic in technology strategy discussions. 您的首席信息官应该始终考虑安全性, whether you’re talking about helping employees be more productive or moving your infrastructure to the cloud.

澳门赌场网址大全战略随着威胁的演变而变化, 你的首席信息官会提出建议,防止你落后, 让你面临比你想要或需要的更多的风险.

Having regulatory compliance requirements or highly visible executives will change your risk profile, 您的安全策略应该适应. 在遵守的情况下, your vCIO should be able to help you to interpret regulations into a security framework that checks all the boxes for achieving compliance as well as risk management.

没有事件响应计划,任何安全策略都是不完整的, and a data backup and recovery plan that enables you to get back up and running as soon as possible. 澳门赌场网址大全 awareness training and cyber insurance are also must-have layers that businesses need in their security strategy.

相关: 澳门赌场网址大全基础:你不能忽视的12个基本层

4. 高效(和快乐)!)员工

如果你想让你的员工更有效率, 首先提供高功能, 安全的资讯科技系统, then work with your vCIO to find innovative ways to use automation to streamline processes and remove manual steps. This is where your vCIO will really dig into the weeds about how your people do their work and ask the questions that uncover opportunities where technology can help people get more work done in the same amount of time.

为员工提供出色的技术体验是一种双赢的局面. On the employee side, your people are equipped with the tools they need to do their jobs. They’re not slowed down or frustrated by technology that doesn’t work and they’re setup to be responsive to customer needs. 在你这边,员工工作效率高,让客户满意.

5. 更好地服务客户

当事情发生的时候, all of the benefits of strategic planning just mentioned enable your company to serve your customers better and reap the benefits of innovative technology. 当你的技术起作用时, 您的数据是安全的, 你的员工拥有完成工作所需的技术工具, 你的目标是提供出色的客户体验, 等等,还有更多.

You can use IT strategy to make your customer experience even better when you find technology solutions that allow you to become even more responsive. 我们谈论的是自动化简化流程之类的事情, 增加实时信息的可见性, 或者改进你的合作方式. 这就是战略性地使用技术成为竞争优势的原因.

相关: 透过“托管资讯科技服务指引”,了解资讯科技如何协助营运


如果IT是事后才想到的,而不是业务战略的组成部分, it’s probably because you don’t have a guide to point the way and guide you down the right path. 这里是风向标, all of our clients receive vCIO services so that technology does have a place at the strategy table. The outcome is that the ROI that they get from IT is measured in improved business results.

如果这不是你现在得到的,是时候探索你的选择了. Don’t wait until something bad happens (like a cyber incident or losing your biggest customer) before you decide to make a change.

