
When you’ve decided that managed IT services are a good option for your business and you’re evaluating different companies, you need to understand what’s included and what’s not included in their monthly fee. Evaluating managed services provider (MSP) costs isn’t an apples-to-apples comparison, so having questions to guide your conversation about what to expect as far as costs is imperative.

Before we go any further, let’s identify a price range for managed IT services prices. 一般来说,你可以 预计每个用户每月支付75至250美元 so what you pay depends in large part on the number of computer users in your organization. 这是一个相当广泛的范围, so you can see why you need to dig down a little deeper to find out exactly what you’re getting.


First, let’s cover what is not typically included in the monthly cost of managed IT services. 即使采用包罗万象的托管IT服务定价模型, 您还需要单独支付一些额外费用. 它们不应该出现在你的月度发票上. The time to find any hidden costs is when you’re still in the evaluation stage of your decision to pick a managed IT service company.


As you’re moving away from break-fix IT services and getting started with managed IT services, there will be a lot of upfront work that the MSP has to do to get set up to support your IT environment and people, 因此,收取入职费是很常见的. 这个费用可以等于你的月费, or it could be a little more depending on the size of your business and network. 对一家小公司来说,入职费至少要2000美元左右.


Costs for replacing hardware or software are not included in your monthly fee. MSP应该帮助您管理硬件和软件资产, 但在需要的时候,投资与否取决于你. 事实上, part of your role in the relationship will be to commit to moving down a path of IT improvement and that will include keeping hardware and software up to date.


Along the same lines, network improvements won’t be included in your monthly fee. 再一次。, the expectation is that you will commit to making investments that improve how your technology functions. Infrastructure costs will include any materials plus an hourly rate for labor. 在虚拟首席信息官(vCIO)的指导下, 你将能够为这些改进制定计划和预算. (稍后我们将更多地讨论vCIO服务.)


When you work with an MSP you’ll still have to pay for things that your small business needs like your phone and internet service, 还有软件许可和网络服务. 你可以问, 然而, if the MSP will work with your other technology vendors on your behalf when there are problems or changes that need to be made. 他们准备做的事情可能有限制,也可能没有限制. Even if there are limitations, your MSP should be able to help you manage vendor relationships.

相关: 获取托管IT服务指南


As you’re discussing what you’re going to get as part of your monthly fee, 您需要了解MSP是如何处理托管IT服务的. What you’re looking for is a mixture of proactive and reactive services that both prevent problems and takes care of issues when they happen.


You want to be assured that when your people request support that they’re going to get it, 所以,问问前线支持服务是否有任何限制. 询问公司是否有固定的工作时间. 非工作时间的帮助是否要额外收费? 费用是否仅基于远程支持? 现场支持怎么样?? 如果需要的话,会有人来你的诊所吗? 当你在寻求支持的时候, enquire about response time to make sure that fast response doesn’t mean extra charges.


有时会有一些问题需要更多的时间和专业知识来解决, 所以询问是否包括升级支持. 如果不是,这可能是一个很大的附加功能. 另外, 在灾难或网络攻击的情况下,使您的网络瘫痪, 你的问题能在不产生额外费用的情况下优先处理吗?


与MSP合作的一个主要原因是获得主动的IT管理. This usually includes monitoring and maintenance as well as identification of potential issues. Find out if the MSP is setting up customized alerting to monitor your environment? 另外, 了解IT管理包括哪些内容, 什么时候问题的解决方案可能会变成一个IT项目, 正如我们讨论的那样,这些费用不包括在你的固定费用中.

相关: IT没有为你的业务服务? 管理It服务的时代到了


The managed IT service provider should be able to support your business applications including your main line-of-business software. However, there may be some limitations if your application is extremely specialized or customized. The MSP should be able to manage your vendor relationships and communicate with them on your behalf when needed, 把你从“技术用语”的对话中带出来.


而存储成本将为每个公司定制, depending on the amount of data being stored and requirements for recovery time and point, the overall management of your data backup process should be included in the MSP’s monthly fee.


Having access to the services of a virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) is a huge benefit to working with an MSP. 首先要弄清楚这是否包括在内, then determine how often you’ll meet and how they’ll work with you to create your technology strategy.


虽然您可以期望MSP提供基线澳门赌场网址大全, 这对你的组织来说可能还不够, especially if you have compliance needs or requirements for security accountability to your customers or vendors. 适合你的澳门赌场网址大全策略可能需要额外的费用.

Pinning down exactly what these costs might be will depend on how detailed the MSP’s discovery process is. 另外, the cybersecurity landscape is evolving all the time so if changes are needed in your cybersecurity strategy, 你每月的花费也会改变.


即使你有一个强大的澳门赌场网址大全战略, 仍然有可能发生网络攻击, 因此,请了解MSP将在多大程度上修复入侵者事件. 根据事件的严重程度,可能会有额外的费用, 但网络保险可能会为此买单.


当事情发生的时候, partnering with a managed IT service company can actually bring your company more value because the outcome of their work is that you’re better able to utilize your technology. You might even find that it’s less expensive than what you’re doing now when you add up all of your IT expenses and costs associated with inefficiencies and downtime.

相关: 管理IT服务的3种方式指导您的业务之旅


If you’re done with wondering how the money you’re spending on IT is helping your business, 是时候做出改变了. 在澳门网赌大全网址, you’re going to find that all-inclusive managed IT services bring business owners everything you need to use technology as a strategic driver for your business success.

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