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How much do cybersecurity services cost?

当你的网络防御还很简单的时候,你可能不会过多考虑成本. 现在你的澳门赌场网址大全策略更复杂,需要更大的投资, you might wonder if what you’re paying is reasonable. While we can’t give you precise answer to that question, we can help you understand what drives cybersecurity costs.

在评估澳门赌场网址大全服务成本时,首先要记住的是,要意识到澳门赌场网址大全服务有许多不同的组成部分,很难为每个组成部分划分出具体的成本. 这就像去一家餐馆,询问每一种食材的价格和你所购买的食物的人工成本一样.

In a restaurant, the outcome that you’re buying is the meal, plus the convenience of not having to cook, plus the experience that you’re having as you eat your meal. It’s similar for cybersecurity services.

With cybersecurity, 你正在购买风险管理,这有助于你的业务弹性和可持续性. What’s more, in your evaluation of costs, 你需要更进一步,将澳门赌场网址大全成本与网络攻击成本进行比较.

A recent study 据透露,2022年网络攻击的平均成本从2021年的1万美元增加到1.8万美元. The same study states that 47% of all U.S. businesses have experienced the repercussions of a cyber attack in some way.

Even if you have a spare $20,000 in the bank that you’re willing to spend on cleaning up a cyber-attack, 这会对你的声誉造成影响,可能会削弱你的业务,直到失败的地步. However, 仅仅因为你知道你需要它并不意味着你愿意盲目地在安全上花钱. Let’s shed some light on what goes into cybersecurity costs.

Cybersecurity Cost Components

Every security strategy includes tools and labor. How those two broad components are combined depends on your business and industry, the type of data you need to protect, 您需要维护法规遵从性或其他类型的安全责任.

安全保护伞下还可以组织其他成本,这些成本与服务交付分开,但需要有效地管理风险. Here’s a breakdown of the main cost components of cybersecurity.

  1. Security tools and management
  2. Security expertise
  3. Onboarding with a new provider
  4. Network improvements
  5. Exclusions for service delivery
  6. Cyber insurance

1. Security Tools and Management

您的澳门赌场网址大全提供商使用的每个软件工具都有与之相关的许可费或订阅费用. These costs can range from $7 – $20 per month, per user.

Each tool requires management which could add between $12 – $40 per month per user.

安全工具的管理包括监视性能和响应警报. 安全人员每月向高管报告安全策略的工作情况,并根据网络犯罪方法的发展提出改变建议.

2. Security Expertise

无论是管理软件工具还是决定将哪些工具编织在一起以创建一个内聚防御, there’s a lot of security brain power involved. Cybersecurity professionals 是高需求和工资需要有竞争力,以吸引和留住人才.

If you get the services of a vCISO for guidance and planning, 这将影响您的成本,但确保您的安全策略与您的风险概况和容忍度相匹配是非常值得的. 如果您有法规遵从需求,您可能需要为澳门赌场网址大全领导支付更多费用.

Related: What’s a vCISO and Why Do I Need One?

3. Onboarding with a New Cybersecurity Provider

与新的澳门赌场网址大全服务提供商合作通常需要一笔入门费用. First, they’ll deploy their security tools. Then they’ll configure hardware and software to their optimum settings.

入职的一个重要阶段将是深入了解您的IT网络,以便创建文档和知识库,以促进支持. Additionally, this discovery phase may uncover urgent needs to upgrade your systems, which brings us to our next point.

4. Network Improvements

如果您的IT网络不符合提供商的标准,您可能需要做一些追赶工作. The improvements that you need to make could be simple like updating your firewall, 或者,如果你一直在推迟对IT系统的投资,你可以考虑进行更广泛的翻新.

您可能还需要查看连接到您的网络的设备,并升级到更新的设备,以获得内置的安全功能. 这可能会引发一场讨论,即你是继续允许员工使用自己的设备,还是提供公司拥有的设备,让你对安全有更多的控制.

5. Exclusions for Service Delivery

如果您决定不投资于澳门赌场网址大全服务提供商推荐的IT改进, 如果发生任何不好的事情,你可以期待排除限制服务和他们的责任. For example, out-of-support operating systems present known vulnerabilities, so if you decline to update those systems, your provider may decline to support them.

检查工作报表中是否有其他可能适用或产生额外费用的除外条款,如现场工作. Additionally, if you allow unauthorized individuals to work on your IT systems, be prepared for additional costs if they cause harm or a cyber event happens.

6. Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance 已成为澳门赌场网址大全战略的重要组成部分,您的安全服务提供商可能会建议您拥有它. 您的澳门赌场网址大全提供商应该能够制定计划,使您的IT系统保持最新状态,并实施保险公司认为对最小化风险至关重要的技术.

您的提供商还可以帮助您完成应用程序流程,该流程通常包括验证您所指示的安全策略是否到位, are actually there. 这一点尤其重要,因为签署应用程序的管理人员可能没有必要的技术专长来亲自验证所有内容.

Related: How to Evaluate a Cybersecurity Services Provider

Pay Now for Security or Pay Later for Clean Up

企业领导者应该了解造成澳门赌场网址大全成本的不同组成部分. 但如果你有选择,要么支付安全费用,要么支付清除网络攻击的费用, you’re money ahead to spend on prevention. What’s more, 澳门赌场网址大全是每个组织都需要的业务弹性和可持续性的业务能力.

Managed Cyber Defense from Bellwether

在Bellwether,我们超越基础,让商业领袖在澳门赌场网址大全方面安心. 我们的SOC 2 Type 2认证是一个信号,表明我们致力于提供一个小的内部团队或IT公司不可能提供的安全级别.

Get a cybersecurity assessment 看看你的团队是否尽了他们应该做的一切来抵御网络威胁.