



当你需要IT支持的时候,它却不在那里, 你会觉得自己掉进了一个没有出路的黑洞. 缓慢的IT支持响应不仅会让员工感到沮丧, 它会影响你的整个业务. What you end up with is technology that hinders operations instead of enabling them. 当IT支持总是很慢或根本不出现时会发生什么? Employees lose confidence that IT can help so they stop calling support at all. 人们试图解决自己的问题,而这些问题分散了他们的工作. 他们向同事寻求IT帮助[…]


澳门网赌大全网址科技公司获得SOC 2 Type 2认证

SOC 2 2类认证

(2022年9月30日年-新奥尔良, LA) – 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 has successfully completed its SOC 2 Type 2 audit and received attestation that the processes they use to handle sensitive information meets high standards for security. The Security and Organization Controls (SOC) framework is the basis for trust principles established by the American Institute of Certified Accountants. Use of this framework extends beyond the accounting industry to any company that wants to demonstrate to customers that they have the correct tools, processes and infrastructure in place to protect the data that they gather and store. 第2级表示[…]




You could have gaps in cybersecurity that make you a bigger target for cyber criminals than you realize. 在一个每39秒就发生一次网络攻击的世界里, 你的安全盲点被利用只是时间问题. When that happens and you find yourself having to deal with the aftermath of a data breach, you’ll wish that you had locked the doors and windows to your network a lot tighter – and sooner. Creating and implementing an effective cybersecurity strategy takes resources of both time and money but a cyber-attack is going to eat up […]




If you still have your company servers onsite at your business location and you’re wondering if you should go to the cloud, 答案可能是-是的. 这是一个好主意的原因有很多, 对墨西哥湾沿岸的我们来说也是如此, 其中一个原因是飓风季节. Let’s make sure that we’re talking about the same thing when we say “cloud” because there are different kinds of cloud computing. 为本文的目的, just think of the cloud as the utilization of servers for file storage and computing resources that are not […]




澳门赌场网址大全 can no longer be considered something straightforward that a small IT department can handle. 事实上,安全已经成为一项关键的业务能力. 再加上网络犯罪工具和策略的不断演变, and the security needs of small businesses aren’t that much different from what enterprise organizations have. That’s why more and more business leaders are turning to outsourced cybersecurity services to ensure that they’re managing business risk and building resilience into their organizations. Resilience is the ability to defend against cyber threats and to bounce back if and when a cyber-attack happens. 当它下来时[…]




When you’ve decided that you’re done with underperforming IT and you’re looking for a way to turn your situation around fast, 托管IT服务是解决方案. Your IT department may have done very well in the past to effectively manage IT and cybersecurity. 然而, there’s no denying that technology has evolved at a breakneck pace and continuing to do what you’ve always done isn’t going to keep up. You may never have considered bringing in third-party IT support because you think you can’t afford it, or you simply don’t feel like you know enough yet to make an informed […]




史蒂夫·G. 是澳门赌场网址大全软件开发团队的Scrum Master吗. Scrum is a framework that helps dev teams work together to create products that solve complex problems. 史蒂夫的职责是推动团队前进. He takes upcoming requirements and input from stakeholders and distills it into reasonable chunks of work for the dev team to tackle. 在日常的基础上, 你会发现史蒂夫在主持会议, 收集信息, 与利益相关者沟通, 寻找问题的答案. His activities resemble those of a Project Manager – and he’s certainly managing projects – but with Scrum, 团队如何[…]




If you want to have a shot at qualifying for cyber insurance and get the best possible rates, 你必须证明你的公司正在有效地管理网络风险. 不幸的是, it’s getting harder and harder to get cyber insurance even if you’re trying to renew an existing policy. 如果你不相信,那就看看当前的应用程序吧. 当他们考虑你的风险状况时, insurance underwriters want to know what security controls you have in place. The answers to the questions on the application get technical really fast. 事实上,大多数保险公司都要求你[…]




向托管IT服务模型的过渡将会是怎样的呢? That’s the question that comes up next after you’ve decided that you need to do something different with IT, 托管服务是您的问题的解决方案. Whether you’ve picked a provider or you’re still evaluating your short list, asking questions about what the transition to the new services will look like will help you to be prepared. The managed service provider (MSP) should have an established onboarding process that they follow to get clients started with services. 入职的目标不仅仅是[…]


澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 is on the 2022 New Orleans Top Workplace List

澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 is on the 2022 New Orleans Top Workplace List

(6月26日, 2022年-新奥尔良, 洛杉矶)-管理IT服务公司, 澳门网赌大全网址科技公司, is on the 2022 list of Top Workplaces in New Orleans for the fourth year in a row. Placement on the list is based on employee responses to survey questions about their work environment and how their employer treats them. The Top Workplaces list is limited to 70 New Orleans companies and is published by The Times-Picayune and The New Orleans Advocate. 您可以在http://topworkplaces上查看该列表.com/award/neworleans/2022/35-124/ The survey is facilitated by Energage LLC, 第三方技术合作伙伴. 澳门网赌大全网址的加入反映了该公司的[…]

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